Your 1st Office Visit


Upon entering our office, our staff will welcome you as a member of our Wellness Family.

Your first visit sets the foundation for your care at Elevation Now. You will be asked to provide information on your experiences, your challenges, and your goals.  You can expect to be listened to and deeply heard. This is where we hear your story for the first time, and where you open your mind and heart to a better life. This is where we sit down with you and together we create a plan to reach the quality of life you’ve dreamed of. This is where we go over your results of where you started, how far you’ve come and how far you can go. This is where you receive the news that you’ve reached wellness goals you never thought were achievable! This is where a bond is created, tears of relief are cried, and a team is born.

It’s more than just an office, it’s a place of community. When you trust us with changing your life, we’re with you every step of the way!

Feel free to download, print & fill out the intake form before your first appointment.



You will have a consultation with Dr. Nick Sechrist to discuss your health related problems, concerns and potential options for care.  This initial visit is designed for the doctors to learn more about you, your current state of health and expectations to determine how chiropractic care can meet your goals.

Dr. Nick uses an approach known as Applied Kinesiology (muscle testing) instead of x-rays to find where your body is out of alignment. This creates a more effective chiropractic adjustment, as Dr. Nick can locate a very specific point of misalignment in your body, on each visit, rather than relying on the location of where the bones were when the x-ray was taken.

Just as you are different everyday from movements, activity, illness etc., your chiropractic adjustments will be customized every time you come in to your specific needs at that time.


Next, we will thoroughly examine your neuro-spinal system for function and balance, as well as analyze your body composition. We will take the time to connect what's showing up in your body with your life and how your choices can influence both in the direction you desire.

Plan to spend about 60 minutes for this first visit to allow enough time for us to meet and discuss your needs.


Report of Findings

For your second visit, (included in the initial visit cost) Dr. Nick Sechrist will give you a detailed report of findings and answer any questions including: 

  1. How we can help you.

  2. How often will I need to come in?

  3. How much will the care cost?

After your report of findings with the doctor, you will be able to choose the next step on your path to your elevated wellbeing.  How you decide to use chiropractic care in your life is up to you. If you are ready to make the commitment to yourself, your life and your wellbeing, you are in the right place. 

We look forward to serving you!