Stretches to Prevent Yard Work Related Injuries

Hurray for summer! I hope you have been able to get outside and enjoy some gardening or yard work with our beautiful weather. While we often remember to stretch before or after exercise, but what about before we work in the yard? Yard work can sure take a toll on our posture which makes it important to stretch before. Please try incorporating a few of these simple stretches before you head out to tackle those weekend chores in the yard and let us know if you can feel the difference.

These stretches can be done before, during or after your daily gardening routine.
1. Upward Salute: This helps bring the spine back to a neutral position, after all of the bending forward and rounding of the back.
To Start: Stand tall, feet forward and rooted into the ground. Shoulders, hips, knees, and ankles aligned. Crown lifted toward the sky, abdominal muscles engaged and spine elongated. Chest slightly lifted with shoulders back, down and close to your ears.
Inhaling bring your arms up towards the sky, reaching through your fingertips and relaxing your shoulders down. Lifting through your chest, while keeping your ribs down toward your pelvis. Engage abdominal muscles to help protect your spine.
Tip: Keep your tailbone rooted towards the ground, this helps prevent an exaggerated curve in the lower spine, also keep elbows from bending which prevents the lengthening of your sides.
2. Forward Fold/ Half Forward Fold: Great lower back release and aids the gardener when reaching and bending over. Stretches like this are good to do after a day of digging, hoeing, or raking.
To Start: Standing tall with feet together or no more than hip-width apart, root feet into earth with a slight bend in knees. Lift the crown of the head up toward the sky. Lengthen spine, bend forward at hips leading with the chest. Keep abdominal muscles engaged.
Fold halfway over into a chair or bend all the way down toward the floor, bringing your hands to the ground or a block while keeping back straight.
Tip: As you bend forward for the half fold keep your back long and flat. Bend your knees as much as you need to, or place your hands on your shins, a wall, or chair. Emphasize lengthening the torso instead of bringing hands down to the floor.
3. Wide-Legged Forward Fold: This pose helps create stability when trimming or pruning in your garden.
To Start: Stand with feet wide and kept parallel to each other. Really root feet into the floor through the four corners of your feet (heels and pads) slightly bend your knees. Engage your abdominal muscles.
Lengthen your spine, and bend forward at your hips bringing your hands to the ground, block or chair.
Keep back nice and straight and knees soft.
Tip: Be mindful of recent or chronic injury to your spine or lower extremities.
4. Squat Pose: This position helps to release tension in the lower back and adds mobility in the hips while weeding. Remember to keep your back straight.
To Start: Stand with your feet more than hip-width apart and rooted into the ground, bring your tailbone straight down towards the earth, coming into a squatted position. Keep your back elongated and adjust your feet to fit your comfort level. You’ll want them wide enough to stay flat on the ground.
Come halfway down to allow your muscles and joints to get used to squatting.
Engage abdominal muscles to protect your spine. Chest slightly lifted. The crown of your head should reach towards the sky.
Use a chair or stool to help with balance and stability if you need it.
Tip: A folded towel or blanket is beneficial if your heels don’t come flat and this pose should be avoided if you have knee issues.

Coach Julie Jessup

Grand Junction Personal Trainer