As we roll over into the new year, we often think about making new resolutions, creating new habits or setting new intentions. It’s a time for personal reflection and making positive changes we can make over the next year.
What might this look like for you? Okay, I’ll go first. Here are three of mine in no particular order
1) Read more C.S. Lewis books (this is a carryover from last year)
2) Set a consistent morning routine that includes movement, reading, writing, and mindfulness
3) Try at least one new recipe a week.
Now, let’s go back to you. Have you ever thought about intentionally reducing toxins in your body?
Toxins are everywhere. We can’t avoid them and collectively can have a negative effect on our wellbeing, causing stress on the body. They can cause cellular damage, alter gene expression, disrupt gut bacteria, interfere with hormones, and displace minerals in the body. So, what can we do? The best thing we can do is to reduce our exposure and increase our defenses.
Here’s a quick list of places where you can reduce toxin exposure:
*Buy high quality food and organically raised whenever possible.
*Avoid plastic. Plastic can be found in linings of cans, water bottles, cashier receipts, food containers, cooking utensils, cellophane, etc. Consider using parchment paper or beeswax cloth to cover food. Place leftovers in glass containers instead of plastic.
*Avoid food additives such as colorings, flavorings, and preservatives.
*Avoid Teflon cooking pans. Replace with ceramic, cast iron or stainless steel.
*Look for bio-degradable and chemical-free cleaning products. Consider using microfiber cloths, and dryer balls instead of dryer sheets.
How can you strengthen your defenses?
*Eat a balance of nutrient-dense foods comprised of healthy fats, carbohydrates and protein. These assist the roles of detox in the body. Specific foods such as cabbage, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and citrus fruits support the detox system.
*Daily movement helps with lymph flow. This includes massage! The lymph nodes help filter out bacteria and viruses.
*Sweating releases toxins in the body.
*Staying hydrated will help carry toxins out of the body.
*Taking deep breaths will help our lungs to release toxins as well as maintaining a relaxed state. Add more plants in your house!
*Get a good nights sleep. Your body is detoxing while you slumber!
Even though it’s a time of resolution, it doesn’t mean it’s “all or none”. It is important to set goals for yourself but it is also important to remember to give yourself grace. Happy New Year!
-Kathy Swelstad, NTP Wellness Coach