Can you believe it’s February already! And 2022 to boot!
We are celebrating our 18th year in practice, and I can still vividly remember delivering my first adjustment in our current location on February 29th, 2004! (Yes, that’s right it was a leap year!)
What’s even more crazy, is my oldest daughter was about 8 months old at that time, and now, today, my youngest daughter is 11 months old! It’s like déjà vu for me as we vision, plan, and dream about what’s next for Elevation Now Wellness Center for the next 18 years!
Last year, we poured our hearts into transforming our chiropractic practice into a wellness center, and we have been so grateful to all of you for being a part of that journey with us. Many of you dove ALL IN to our 8 weeks to wellness program and have experienced amazing benefits to your overall health and wellbeing. We are grateful to so many of you who have explored our additional services that we’ve added to our “menu.”
As we now look forward in what many would say are tumultuous times of divisiveness, media hype, chaos, uncertainty, inflation, and all that other “out there” stuff we observe and are bombarded with, there happens to be another path worth exploring and pursuing.
That’s what we’re about.
It’s NOT about ignoring the world, it’s about identifying where true strength, energy, and resiliency comes from. It’s the same place that health and healing comes from as well.
It comes from within. The power that created you from two cells into trillions of cells didn’t leave you after conception or birth for that matter. That force of life within you is still vibrantly active and strong. It takes in the air you breath, the food you eat, all the senses you experience, and all those amazing biochemical reactions maintain your existence amidst a world of external “challenging” forces. Your heart beats without your conscious effort, your food digests, your lungs breathe, your cells die and are replaced by new cells being created in this loop and cycle throughout your lifetime. So, how does that force of life within you become dimmed or overshadowed? And more importantly, how can we turn that inner light back up?
The simple answer is stress. But it’s not just stress at face value, because many stressors cause us to grow and thrive. Stress comes in 3 forms: physical, environmental, and emotional. When we fail to adapt to any of those forms of stress, our body goes into a sympathetic fight/flight state. Quick, short story here…your cells multiply faster, you age faster, and your lifespan shortens. (Have you ever seen two people the same exact age, yet upon observation one appears 10 years (or more) younger than the other???)
While we inherit some genetic momentum, what science tells us today, is that it’s significantly more about our environment that determines whether the “trigger gets pulled” on many of our “bad” genes. Simply put…more stress = higher likelihood of that trigger getting pulled. Less stress = even though you may have “bad” genes, you may escape the “loaded gun” from “going off.”
So, before I dive too deep for our simple newsletter article, let’s talk on what to do to “brighten that light within.”
Seek the opposite of the stress that consumes you and you are challenged to adapt to and overcome.
Ask yourself some of the following questions: Does scrolling Facebook make you feel good? Does eating a lot of cake make you feel good? Does arguing with idiots make you feel good? Does watching the relentless hype and negativity of our phenomenal “chaos mongering” news agencies make you feel all bubbly inside? Does your desk job, sitting on your rear end for hours and hours provide you with an abundance of energy at the end of your day?
This is your life; you have more control than you’re giving yourself credit for! The choices you make today will most definitely affect the quality of your life in the future.
What inspires me are the people that decide to act on what they know in their heart is true. And what is true is that the path to elevated health is simple…maybe not easy, but simple.
Good food will give you energy. Need help in identifying good foods for you? We’re here for you.
Movement is really good for you and ironically, the more you move the more energy you create. Are you in pain when you move? We can help guide and direct you to YOUR BEST PATH to increase movement safely and effectively in your life. And if you choose to stick with your desk job, or whatever you do that causes repetitive motion pain, we can help you counteract the effects with the right stretches and exercises.
Your environment of who you surround yourself with is HUGE. Find a friend that doesn’t gossip or talk bad about other people or events, someone that uplifts you, (and you uplift them) and go get some fresh air!
Drink water daily that’s equivalent to half your body weight in ounces.
And most importantly, protect your mind. The best way to do this, is to begin thinking about what you ARE GRATEFUL FOR. What is good in your world, what is going right, what challenges have you overcome in your past, and perhaps what setbacks in hindsight were you grateful for in making you to be who you are today?
You can slow the aging process. You can create more energy, and health in your life. You can find peace in this world of seeming chaos. You can be a gift to others by inspiring them with your journey towards health transformation.
Most importantly, when you gain small victories with your health, and you feel your energy increase, and overtime that compounds, just like a financial account accruing interest, you become more resilient to the stressors that are inevitable in our world today.
If you desire help, or any kind of guidance, this is what we do. We’re here for you.
Being healthy isn't just a physical thing, it's a mental thing, and it's an emotional thing as well. Being healthy takes conscious effort, it takes daily deposits into the mental bank account, and it takes repetition. So, start seeing the good, being the good, radiating the good, and soaking up the good in your life. If you are reading this and you have been a patient, a friend, or an integral part of my life, THANK YOU for making my life a tremendous JOY to live.
To the next 18 years!
Yours in Elevated Health,
Dr. Nick Sechrist